Friday, February 8, 2013

He makes all things new. Revelations 21:5

 He makes all things new.
What a thought. What a indescribable gift.
2012 was an emotional year for me personally. I learned a lot about myself, God, and family.
I learned a lot about patience.  And how it is not always my time but God’s time.
This has been a mostly business blog but I am wanting to share more of my life with others.
I have gained so much strength from others that perhaps my little story will help someone one day.
Don’t get me wrong. I am still in the middle of this trial and it often takes my breath away. You don’t have to read the story.
But many people ask. And it feels weird saying that I’m good, or life is busy when I could say so much more.

When I hear the word new, I often think of new babies.
Soft and perfect. A gift from God in so many ways.
It took four months to get pregnant with my son Lincoln, and even that felt like a life time.
So when we decided in 2012 to try to have another I was already ready!
I had been ready since that amazing day they placed that new, perfect, beautiful baby in my arms.
 I wanted more! So after three months and no luck we do what every couple does, you read, take more pills, and strips and after two more months it worked. I found out I was going to have a baby. Those wonderful lines said YES!
But not a few days later I had a miscarriage and all the hopes, dreams, and excitement was gone.
I was supposed to have a new beautiful baby. February was  supposed to bring this amazing new gift that would bring life and light to my life and the lives of my family.

I was sad and confused. I wondered why it had to be yes in the first place. Everything was a reminder.
In front of our home we have these beautiful purple flowers. They are huge and beautiful.
And the day I found out I was pregnant there was this one white one.
It was so odd to me because it had never happened before and has not happened again.
At first the flower made me sad. I would pass by it and cry at the thought of the baby that was supposed to be.
Then as it lingered it made me mad and frustrated. Why would it not just go away.
I was tired of being sad. I was ready to be happy again. I was ready to have a baby.
I never took a picture of that flower. I know it sounds weird, but I wish I had.
While at the time it reminded me of a baby that for whatever reason I did not get to meet,
Today it is a reminder of hope.
That He makes all things new.
Right now HE is working on me.
Making my heart new again.

Thanks for listening! I got the verse inspiration from a 52 week project that I hope to continue!
This was week one and while they are on like week three (oops) I will catch up!
Hope you enjoyed my story. Feel free to tell me yours!
You can also join the photo group too! It is

Hope HE is making you NEW again as well!!!

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